The Egg Story – from Frieda’s Personal Story

When someone you have known and loved all your life passes away, sometimes the loss and grief is so great that there is a tremendous feeling of emptiness.   Nothing can take away the pain of loss but we all find ways to cope and move on.  Read here how both Cheryl Silverman (the founder of this blog), and Sandra Mangarella (her sister) found a way to cope with the loss of their mom and dad (who passed away less than 2 years prior to their mom)……They believe they received a message from their parents?   Read the beginning of “The Egg Story:  A Story of Love and Hope”  here.  It continues in the Personal Stories (of Frieda Silverman) in this blog/website, Supportive Care Exchange.


“Was our mother giving us a message from beyond?”

The Egg Story

by Sandra Mangarella
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My father passed away from prostate cancer in April 2010.  A few months later I met  with a psychic, Concetta Bertoldi, whose book , Do Dead People Watch You Shower,  had made a big impression on me.   I made an appointment two years in advance to meet with her, the timing of which was fortuitous  given that I had previously lost my dad.   I didn’t know what to do with a psychic, having never gone to one before.  She told me that I was an old soul and that my father commented (from beyond) that he could always talk to me about things that he couldn’t talk to anyone else about.  Those two things hit home right away. My father was my buddy.  He and I argued over politics and current events, so much so, that my mom used to yell at us to stop.  I had decided that after my visit, not only I would have an open mind about things, but I would also need something that would make me a true believer.”

Check out the rest of the story in the  “Personal Stories” section of Supportive Care Exchange.   Read about Frieda Silverman, as well as other cancer patients, their families, and so on.

Please be sure to share your story with us – on our blog.   There is comfort in sharing.  Sharing is caring!

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