The Future of Medicine

This weekend, The Wall Street Journal published an article (December 29-30, 2012) on “The Future of Medicine,” by Ron Winslow, which reviews the promising discoveries that are leading to more effective treatments, including:  DNA sequencing analysis, targeting tumors with specialized drugs, gene therapy, harnessing the immune system to fight cancer and other health care innovations.
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We have achieved much in the past decade and continue to do so, research is being conducted worldwide.This article highlights just a smidgeon of what is out there- whether it be new forms of radiation treatment to destroy the reproduction of cancer cells, or new tests to identify early lung cancer.  Cancer is one of the greatest killers of mankind –we have come such a long way in finding more specialized courses of treatment and in reducing cancer’s mortality rate.  Did you ever wonder what would happen if we could eradicate this disease?  It’s mind boggling.  Read the article.

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